If you’re a newcomer to the most popular MMORPG ever, you’ll need this guide to point you in the right direction.
World of Warcraft released back in 2004 and since then a lot of expansions and content in diverse forms. Today, I’ll try my best to guide you to create the character that best fits your play style Of course, with as much content as there is, both in the world and in the character creation, you probably want to get to the good stuff fast. For that reason, there’s always the option to use WoW character boost. That way, you can speed through the leveling process and build your ideal character.
There’s a total of 13 classes in the game thus far, and most come with 3 different specializations that change both how you approach situations and your role in the party. These specializations can be chosen once your character has reached level 10. It’s a very important choice, so be mindful! You can change your specialization if you regret it, but it’ll cost some gold. However, we’re just going to look into the ones that are more fitting for a newcomer.
This class focuses on taking and dealing damage. Filling the place of the tank or DPS of the party. Warriors can build rage while from fighting, which can be spent to use their abilities. Be careful though because their rage goes down while not in combat, so if you want to be truly fearsome you shouldn’t move away from the action. They can also use different stances, which can be used to focus on a different kind of combat. The three warrior specializations are:
- Arms: These DPS warrior variant focuses on rotating abilities that inflict bleed and critical damage before utilizing their “execute” ability to finish off the enemy. They do good burst damage to groups of enemies and have some useful mobility to close gaps with enemies. However, they don’t have any self-healing and their mobility is quite limited, so be careful.
- Fury: This specialization is also a DPS, instead of big bursts of damage, they do more continuous sustained damage to the opponent. They’re also quicker, and their play style is far more active.
- Protection: This is Wow’s classic tank specialization. With better mobility thanks to the leap and charge ability and great defense due to the short cooldown on defense abilities, they excel at soaking up damage and protecting the team.
This one’s for people that like stealth and trickery. Dealing high bursts of damage from the shadows. All three of its specializations are DPS based:
- Assassination: This specialization focuses on the use of poison and bleeding attacks to deal damage over time to enemies. Great for beginners!
- Outlaw: Building up a combo meter allows this rogue to utilize different abilities that focus on direct damage.
- Subtlety: Don’t let the long cooldowns fool you, this mainly stealth-based character deals an immense amount of damage to unsuspecting enemies.
With the choice of shadow and holy magic, priests can either be a pretty solid DPS option or a much more appreciated healer. Most groups really like to have one of these around. Their specializations are:
- Discipline: With a solid mix of healing and buffing, this priest is a necessity to counter big bursts of damage to the party.
- Holy: This one focuses on healing in an area over time. It’s very useful to keep the party levelheaded during a tough encounter, but it’s very limited mobility and long casting time means that if you’re fleeing or otherwise in need to move, you are pretty much useless.
- Shadow: This one’s a DPS specialization. They can buff allies and drain enemies health to give it to themselves. They’re a solid pick, but hardly as popular or appreciated as the other specializations.
One of the most versatile roles, Shaman can deal damage from afar as well as melee, they can heal, buff and even do some necromancy. You want it? You got it.
- Elemental: This highly diverse specialization can damage enemies from afar with fire, frost, and nature spells. They even have some healing options as well as their trademark totems that have different effects for every situation.
- Enhancement: the name pretty much gives it away, these shamans can enhance their melee attacks to make them do elemental damage. You can really pack punch with this one!
- Restoration: A great healer, with the use of spells and their totems they can provide the entire party with some very useful healing, granted they stick together!
Paladins are more diverse than you might think from seeing them in other games. They can defend, deal bursts of damage and heal, just not all at once! Their specializations are:
- Holy: A true healer. They excel at healing single targets and while they do have good defensive abilities and spells, their mobility is very limited.
- Protection: This one’s a very good tank, offering a good array of defensive spells as well as self-healing and the ability to remove debuffs. However, it has one of the lowest health out of every tank.
- Retribution: A high damage DPS that uses offensive spells as well as melee attacks.
Utilizing ranged attacks, traps, debuffs and even pets, this diverse class is recommended to those who also like to play by themselves. Their specializations are:
- Beast mastery: DPS specialization that focuses on utilizing your pet while you deal damage from afar.
- Marksmanship: Yet another DPS that focuses on dealing very high damage from afar whilst moving very little.
- Survival: This DPS specialization focuses on using poison, fast melee attacks and a variety of traps to deal with large groups of enemies.
In conclusion
That’s pretty much the run-down on every one of the most popular classes to start with. Personally, I’d suggest starting with a paladin or hunter if it’s your first time. Having good self preserving abilities is vital at the start. However, this is just the start of a very exciting journey for you, keep looking into the different classes you can take and builds you can make. See you in Azeroth!